2015. 6. 16. 09:45 프로그래밍/ASP/ASP.NET
'프로그래밍 > ASP/ASP.NET' 카테고리의 다른 글
COM (Component Object Model) 기초 (0) | 2015.06.09 |
ASP 기초 (0) | 2015.06.09 |
.NET의 개념 (0) | 2015.05.24 |
2015. 6. 16. 09:45 프로그래밍/ASP/ASP.NET
COM (Component Object Model) 기초 (0) | 2015.06.09 |
ASP 기초 (0) | 2015.06.09 |
.NET의 개념 (0) | 2015.05.24 |
2015. 6. 11. 11:57 사무자동화/PC/IT/Word
AJAX(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.) is about updating parts of a web page, without reloading the whole page. --> XMLHttpRequest object (to exchange data asynchronously with a server)
워드프레스 (0) | 2016.02.07 |
BlueHost.com 관련 (0) | 2016.01.03 |
웹서비스 (0) | 2015.06.10 |
IIS 기초 (0) | 2015.06.09 |
Subdomain, Addon Domain, Parked Domain 의 차이점 (0) | 2015.06.04 |
1. SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol): SOAP defines a standard communication protocol (set of rules) specification for XML-based message exchange. SOAP uses different transport protocols, such as HTTP and SMTP. The standard protocol HTTP makes it easier for SOAP model to tunnel across firewalls and proxies without any modifications to the SOAP protocol. SOAP can sometimes be slower than middleware technologies like CORBA or ICE due to its verbose XML format.
2. REST(REpresentational State Transfer)
BlueHost.com 관련 (0) | 2016.01.03 |
Ajax 기초 (0) | 2015.06.11 |
IIS 기초 (0) | 2015.06.09 |
Subdomain, Addon Domain, Parked Domain 의 차이점 (0) | 2015.06.04 |
Bluehost.com 이용하기 (0) | 2015.05.15 |
2015. 6. 10. 09:23 운영체제(OS)/윈도우즈
관리자 실행: command prompt에서 inetmgr
c:\inetpub\wwwroot에 쓰기권한이 없는 경우: (administrators그룹의) 사용자라 할지라도 "명시적"으로 권한을 할당해 주어야 함.
BlueHost.com 관련 (0) | 2016.01.03 |
Ajax 기초 (0) | 2015.06.11 |
웹서비스 (0) | 2015.06.10 |
Subdomain, Addon Domain, Parked Domain 의 차이점 (0) | 2015.06.04 |
Bluehost.com 이용하기 (0) | 2015.05.15 |
2015. 6. 9. 10:34 프로그래밍/ASP/ASP.NET
COM: a binary standard that enables software components to inter-operate in a networked environment regardless of the language in which they were developed
"local" 서버에 등록 (that are instantiated with CreateObject)
- evolution of Microsoft COM and MTS.
- handles many of the resource management tasks that you previously had to program yourself, such as thread allocation and security.
- makes your applications more scalable by providing thread pooling, object pooling, and just-in-time object activation
- administrators can deploy and administer COM+ applications through a graphical user interface, or automate administrative tasks using a scripting or programming language.
- Software developers can use COM+ to visually configure routine component and application behavior, such as security and participation in transactions, and to integrate components into COM+ applications.
Component Services (COM+) consists of the latest version of COM, distributed COM (DCOM), and Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC), plus additional functionality. With COM+,
To open COM+, click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Component Services. Component Services is also available in Transaction Integrator (TI) Manager as follows: Start TI Manager and double-click the Component Services folder.
Component Services provides standard application functionality for administration, deployment, security, reliability, and scalability. Component Services simplifies the administrator's work by providing a tool for administering all applications visually through a single user interface.
COM+ contains some enhandced features.
YOu can call com server in dotnet compoenet.you can not directly communicate with com from dotnet client. You will have to use proxy (Runtime callable wrapper) to communicate between them.
Com and Com+ is considerend unmanaged because they do not contain the assembly meta data.
Com and com+ are binary standard.
Extension of com and com+ component is dll.
DCOM: Distributed-COM. The protocol that enables a COM object to be instantiated on another computer from the one that is using the code (ie. call from a client machine in London, but the code runs on the machine in New York)
ActiveX control: client side 에서 실행됨
ATL (Active Template Library): a set of template-based C++ classes that let you create small, fast COM objects. It has special support for key COM features, including stock implementations, dual interfaces, standard COM enumerator interfaces, connection points, tear-off interfaces, and ActiveX controls.
The Component Object Model (COM) is a "binary" standard that enables software components to interoperate in a networked environment regardless of the language in which they were developed.
Dividing software into clients and objects enables you to use those clients and objects as building blocks that can be combined and reused in many different ways by many different clients, just as standard building materials can be used to construct many different structures.
COM and COM+ are the key technologies that provide the infrastructure that enables clients and objects to work together. Other key COM concepts include methods, interfaces, classes, references, and components, which build on the foundation of clients and objects.
This section contains:
What is COM?Microsoft COM (Component Object Model) technology in the Microsoft Windows-family of Operating Systems enables software components to communicate. COM is used by developers to create re-usable software components, link components together to build applications, and take advantage of Windows services. COM objects can be created with a variety of programming languages. Object-oriented languages, such as C++, provide programming mechanisms that simplify the implementation of COM objects. The family of COM technologies includes COM+, Distributed COM (DCOM) and ActiveX® Controls. Microsoft provides COM interfaces for many Windows application programming interfaces such as Direct Show, Media Foundation, Packaging API, Windows Animation Manager, Windows Portable Devices, and Microsoft Active Directory (AD). COM is used in applications such as the Microsoft Office Family of products. For example COM OLE technology allows Word documents to dynamically link to data in Excel spreadsheets and COM Automation allows users to build scripts in their applications to perform repetitive tasks or control one application from another. |
COM+ is the name of the COM-based services and technologies first released in Windows 2000. COM+ brought together the technology of COM components and the application host of Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS). COM+ automatically handles programming tasks such as resource pooling, disconnected applications, event publication and subscription and distributed transactions.
ASP.NET 기초 (0) | 2015.06.16 |
ASP 기초 (0) | 2015.06.09 |
.NET의 개념 (0) | 2015.05.24 |
2015. 6. 9. 10:06 프로그래밍/VisualBasic
A collection can be zero-based or one-based, depending on what its starting index is. The former means that the index of the first item in the collection is 0, and the latter means that it is 1. An example of a zero-based collection is the .NET Framework Controls collection, discussed earlier on this page. The Visual Basic Collection object is an example of a one-based collection.
One-based collections can be more intuitive to Visual Basic users, because the index ranges from 1 through the value of the Count Property (Collection Object), which returns the number of items in a collection. The index of a zero-based collection, by contrast, ranges from 0 through one less than the value of the Count property. This can be appropriate when the index values are offsets from a base value or correspond to members of a zero-based enumeration.
.NET Framework collections are zero-based for the purpose of standardization. The Visual Basic Collection class is one-based for the purpose of compatibility with previous versions.
Instances of the Visual Basic Collection class allow you to access an item using either a numeric index or a String key. You can add items to Visual Basic Collection objects either with or without specifying a key. If you add an item without a key, you must use its numeric index to access it.
By contrast, collections such as System.Collections.ArrayList allow only a numeric index. You cannot associate keys with the elements of these collections, unless you construct your own mapping based, for example, on a String array holding the keys.
Collections also differ in whether or not you can add items to them, and if so, how those items are added. Because the Visual Basic Collection object is a general-purpose programming tool, it is more flexible than some other collections. It has an Add Method (Collection Object) for putting items into the collection and a Remove Method (Collection Object) for taking items out.
Certain specialized collections, on the other hand, do not allow you to add or remove elements using code. For example, the CheckedListBox.CheckedItems property returns a collection of references to items by index, but your code cannot add or remove items from the collection. Only the user can do this — by selecting or clearing the appropriate box in the user interface. Thus there is no Add or Remove method for this collection.
2015. 6. 9. 08:48 프로그래밍/ASP/ASP.NET
- 사용자가 요청한 ASP페이지는 ASP.DLL을 무조건적으로 거치며, ASP.DLL을 통해 해석이 되어진 뒤에 모든 ASP 코드들이 HTML 태그로 바뀌어지고, 사용자에게 건네어지는 것이다.
예제: HelloWorld.asp
<% for i = 1 to 10 step 1 %>
Hello World !<br>
<% next %>
선언 및 생성
1. Dim - 변수를 선언. (예: Dim strName)
2. Set - 개체를 생성. (예: Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet"))
논리 구문
3. IF ~ THEN - 만약 ~ 라면. (조건이 적은 경우)
4. SELECT CASE - 만약 ~ 라면. (조건이 많은 경우)
5. FOR ~ NEXT - 순환하면서 실행. (반복 횟수를 정확하게 알고 있을 때)
6. DO WHILE - 순환하면서 실행. (반복 횟수를 정확하게 알 수 없을 때)
데이터 타입
1. 숫자 서브 타입 정수나 분수, 또는 부동 소수점 등 다섯 개의 타입이 있다.
2. 문자열 서브 타입 텍스트 정보를 보관한다.
3. 날짜 서브 타입 날짜와 시간을 보관하는 데 쓰이는, 미리 정해진 타입이다.
4. 부울린 서브 타입 참, 거짓을 의미하는 TRUE 또는 FALSE 값 중 하나를 가진다.
5. 그 외의 서브 타입 Empty, Null 등을 알아본다.
변환 함수
1. 숫자 서브 타입 관련 CInt, CLng, CByte, CSng, CDbl, CCur, Fix, Int, Abs
2. 문자열 서브 타입 관련 CStr, Asc, AscB, AscW, Chr, ChrB, ChrW
3. 날짜 서브 타입 관련 CDate, DateValue, TimeValue, DateSerial, TimeSerial
4. 부울린 서브 타입 CBool
5. 기타 변환 함수 Hex, Oct, Sgn
문자열 관련 함수
1. UCASE, LCASE 문자열의 내용을 대문자, 소문자로 변환시켜준다.
2. LEN 문자열의 길이를 반환한다.
3. LEFT, RIGHT, MID 문자열의 좌, 우, 중간에서 지정한 만큼의 문자열을 뽑아낸다.
4. INSTR, INSTRREV 해당되는 문자열의 좌측, 우측 위치를 반환한다.
5. LTRIM, RTRIM, TRIM 문자열의 좌측, 우측, 전체의 공백을 제거한다.
6. REPLACE 문자열의 내용중 일부를 다른 문자열로 변경한다.
7. SPLIT 문자열에서 특정 문자열을 기준으로 나누어 배열로 저장한다.문자열 관련 함수
register.asp | register_ok.asp |
<% DIM strName, strEmail, strPhone
strName = Request.Form("txtName") strEmail = Request.Form("txtEmail") strPhone = Request.Form("txtPhone")
Response.Write "이름 = " & strName & "<BR>" Response.Write "Email = " & strEmail & "<BR>" Response.Write "전화 = " & strPhone & "<BR>" %> |
Active Server Pages 개체 모델
1. Request 개체
2. Response 개체
3. Application 개체
Contents: A collection of all the items that have been added to the Application object.
StaticObjects: Collection of all the items that have been added to the Application object through <object> tag.
Contents.Remove: Deletes the specified item from the Application.Contents collection.
Contents.RemoveAll: Deletes all the items from the Application.Contents collection.
Lock: Locks the application object so that only one user at a time can modify the values.
UnLock: Unlocks the application object allowing other users to modify application level variables.
Application_OnEnd: This event occurs when the IIS is shut down after Session_OnEnd event. All the variables are destroyed after that.
Application_OnStart: This event occurs when the first .asp page is called after starting the IIS. Application level variables can be declared here.
4. Session 개체
Session_OnEnd: This event occurs when the session is abandoned or times out for a specific user.
Session_OnStart: Occurs when a new session is started. All the ASP objects are available for you to use. You can define your session wide variables here.
5. Server 개체
1. 페이지가 너무 오래 뜨지 않는 경우를 대비, 한계 시간을 설정한다.
2. 사용자가 전달한 문자열을 HTML 형식으로 변경한다.
3. 사용자가 전달한 문자열을 올바른 URL 문자열의 형식으로 변경한다.
4. 가상 경로(URL)를 서버 컴퓨터의 실제 경로로 변경한다.
5. 다른 페이지로 이동하여 실행 경로를 변경한다.
6. CreateObject 라는 메소드를 사용하여 컴포넌트의 인스턴스를 생성한다.
6. ObjectContext 개체: 트랜잭션을 시작하거나 종료할 때 사용하는 개체, 현재에는 거의 사용하지 않음
7. ASPError 개체: 에러 처리 작업을 위해 ASP 3.0 에서 추가된 개체
ASP.NET 기초 (0) | 2015.06.16 |
COM (Component Object Model) 기초 (0) | 2015.06.09 |
.NET의 개념 (0) | 2015.05.24 |
2015. 6. 7. 12:35 인터넷/웹사이트/Wordpress
- 먼저 settings >> general settings >> anyone can register를 체크해야 함.
워드프레스 테마 - Attitude (0) | 2015.06.05 |
Wordpress 기초 (0) | 2015.06.05 |